Intercom systems

This  electronic devices enables two-way communication between people. Intercom systems also allow people in a building to grant property access to visitors by opening a door or gate remotely. Intercom systems have taken many forms throughout history. Early intercom systems required people to talk through metal tubing, which carried their voices lik …


We supply and install CCTV cameras for Homes with a Advance High Definition Cameras with an affordable Price. We recuite and train security operatives for security solutions in your offices with international standard because we are Category A liencence security company. …

IP-camera systems

An Internet Protocol camera, or IP camera, is a type of digital video camera that receives control data and sends image data via an IP network. They are commonly used for surveillance but unlike analog closed-circuit television cameras, they require no local recording device, only a local area network.   …

Access control

ESTATES ELECTRONIC ACCESS CONTROL AND SECURITY DOORS We provide the latest access control gadgets with features that allow the user to prevent unauthorized access. This works by requesting pre-registered finger print, secret codes, security smart cards, facial recognition and administrator’s command before granting access. We also deal with motion s …

Alarm systems

In a world where safety is paramount, a robust security alarm system is your shield against potential threats. Whether you’re protecting your home, business, or any valuable asset, having a reliable security alarm system in place is a wise investment. This website aims to guide you through the world of security alarm systems, helping you […]

Security for business

Cras eu nulla convallis, mattis neque rhoncus, eleifend arcu. Vivamus tincidunt ligula metus, a eleifend lorem lacinia id. In tempus eros quis tortor tempus, eu feugiat metus ullamcorper. Nam vestibulum urna sapien, ac maximus quam auctor vel. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut porta eni …

Personal security services

Duis in bibendum purus. Maecenas non neque nibh. Nunc interdum ex sed tincidunt rutrum. Cras efficitur, dui nec maximus gravida, metus nunc malesuada nulla, at faucibus erat erat non libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In rutrum varius justo, eget facilisis diam blandit eu. Vestibulum pretium lectus in sapien aliqu […]

Physical security

Physical security: Describes security measures that are designed to deny unauthorized access to facilities, equipment and resources and to protect personnel and property from damage or harm Modern prisons are among some of the most physically secure facilities, with almost every area under tight access control and surveillance Every building needs a …

Home security

The general home burglar alarm system consists of gas detectors, infrared detectors, door contacts, remote controls, panic buttons. Home security has become a prime concern in recent years. As technology is emerging every second, abundant home-based security systems have. Home security is a very useful application of IoT and we are using it to create […]


GPS Track: your fleet of Vehicles from any where in the world from your phone with CiTracks VTS. Citracks vehicle tracking solution helps you track your cars & vehicles in Nigeria. Personnel Tracking System empowers you to know exactly where your personnel are, to ensure workplace safety, security, and accountability. Vehicle tracking enhances op …